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We create an amortization formula and table for laundries and dry cleaners

The working group consisting of Hana Šabatková, Monika Býmová, Martin Adamy, Miroslav Malina and Hanuš Zvolský started the first steps to create the Amortization table and the APaČ amortization formula. Starting next year, this should help operators of laundries and dry cleaners in resolving complaints.

The initiative to create amortization documents came from the membership this spring at a meeting of the Commission for Small Laundries and Dry Cleaners. It was subsequently approved by the Association’s Board, which established a working group. In August, we discussed the form of the formula and table for the first time. In the first step, based on the basis of the German DTV association, an amortization table was created with items of clothing with a lifetime. Members of the working group are now proposing a life expectancy for each type of laundry and garment.

The first version of the document will be presented to the Board at the November meeting. According to the current plan, the final form of the APaČ Amortization Table and formula will be publicly available on the APaČ website in the spring of 2025.

Czech Association for Textile Care