Members of our Association
- The Czech textile care association unites more than 110 entities operating in the field of laundry maintenance and textile rental.
- Our members range from large companies employing several hundred employees to small, family-owned companies.
- According to the Statutes, member companies of the Association are divided into two groups – regular members, which are companies whose main activities are the provision of laundry, cleaning or textile rental services.
- The second group consists of special members, which are organizations that supply services or products to regular members. In other words, they do not operate a laundry, cleaning or textile rental service in the Czech Republic.
Membership benefits
- The background of a strong professional association in the field of laundry and clothing cleaning
- Representation of members and promotion of their interests and needs in state and regional bodies
- Possibility to participate in organized trainings, seminars, excursions, fairs and tours under favorable conditions
- Current information on news, trends and legislation
- Subscription to INFORMATOR magazine
- Professional personality development in the form of qualified education through the National System (obtaining a certificate of discharge)
- The possibility of exchanging experiences with other members
- Discounted prices for establishment certification
- Promotion of the membership base
List of regular members
Company | Address | City | CIN | VAT |
Acron spol. s r.o. – Prádelna Hvozdec | Hvozdec | Hvozdec | 41691873 | CZ41691873 |
AD 7, spol. s r.o. | náměstí Práce 2512 | Zlín | 25598074 | CZ25598074 |
Aktivní život o.p.s. | Na Františku 106/4 | Liberec | 28750969 | CZ28750969 |
ALEKO s.r.o. | Veltrubská 335 | Kolín | 25609793 | CZ25609793 |
Alena Fenclová – Praní a mandlování prádla | Pražská 76 | Praha | 18337015 | |
ARBELA s.r.o. | Podlesná 2044/11 | Brno | 25518119 | CZ25518119 |
Bajatrend s.r.o. | Dukelská 1139 | Třinec | 28604067 | CZ28604067 |
Blaha V. s.r.o. | Louky 477 | Uherské Hradiště | 28317831 | CZ28317831 |
BLANKYT PLUS spol. s r.o. | U Apolla 84, Krásno nad Bečvou | Valašské Meziříčí | 61946508 | CZ61946508 |
Caio s.r.o. – New Laundry | Sudoměřská 1243/25 | Praha | 4915224 | CZ04915224 |
CARIBCON s.r.o. | Struhařovská 2942/2 | Praha | 27904679 | CZ27904679 |
Cleangreen – Praha s.r.o. | Dlouhá 397 | Nová Ves pod Pleší | 9993959 | |
cleany s.r.o. | Pobřežní 249/46 | Praha | 24157546 | CZ24157546 |
ČISTÍCÍ UTĚRKY s.r.o. | Rejskova 1169/23, Hodolany | Olomouc | 3079759 | CZ03079759 |
Dana Štěpničková | Žižkova 1865/83 | Jihlava | 66535620 | CZ6356271361 |
Dana Tenglerová | Zahradní 455 | Vítkov | 46103708 | CZ6754180004 |
Domov pro seniory Kociánka příspěvková organizace | Kociánka 1/8 | Brno | 70887284 | |
eco innova s.r.o. | Příkop 843/4 | Brno | 734318181 | CZ05252105 |
Elis Textile Servis CZ s. r. o. | Tuřanka 115a | Brno | 25756966 | CZ25756966 |
EuroMed EU Trade s.r.o. – Prádelna 1 | Jindricha Jindricha 2725/14 | Praha | 6602959 | CZ06602959 |
Fair Stars s.r.o. | Březovská 102 | Vrané nad Vltavou | 6505899 | |
Fredy’s pradlenka, Manfred Riedel | Vrchlického 3037 | Varnsdorf | 64004716 | CZ6208142083 |
Golgot, spol. s r.o. | Poděbradská 725/14 | Nymburk | 45066001 | CZ45066001 |
HAJ4 s.r.o. | Vojtěšská 4 – Králův Háj | Liberec | 27274551 | CZ27274551 |
Hana Veselá | Ústecká 2917 | Česká Lípa | 64661334 | CZ535412230 |
HANDI VISION s.r.o. | Žitná 642 | Zlín | 6241433 | |
CHRIŠTOF, spol. s r.o. | Komárovské nábřeží 465/10 | Brno | 42660351 | CZ42660351 |
Ing. Michal Váka | Stavební 1395 | Třebíč | 775 092 111 | CZ8204094536 |
Ing. Renáta Jakubcová | Francouzská 1600/40 | Kopřivnice | 46163077 | CZ6858061463 |
Jan Volčík | Nádražní 380/32 | Odry | 41393988 | CZ500807026 |
Jiří Luběník – Prádelna Bublina | Vahalíkova 73 | Olomouc | 18064965 | |
JUDr. Karolina Viková | Československé armády 216/41 | Hradec Králové | 8275769 | |
K&M Laundry s.r.o. – Prádelna Košan | Křimická 23 | Plzeň | 19233442 | |
Kateřina Stejskalová | Šeříková 2836/8 | Česká Lípa | 63173662 | CZ7554062846 |
Katev spol. s.r.o. | Na Bydžově 2044 | Tábor | 25196332 | |
Korál Servis LTM s.r.o. | Českolipská 931/3 | Litoměřice | 25417851 | CZ25417851 |
Krajská zdravotní, a.s. | Sociální péče 3316/12a | Ústí nad Labem | 25488627 | CZ25488627 |
Leastex, a.s. | K Myslivně 2140/61 | Ostrava | 45192731 | CZ45192731 |
LEDER TEX s.r.o. | Karlínské náměstí 234/5 | Praha | 26710978 | CZ26710978 |
LS Lavaclean s.r.o. | SNP 1185 | Otrokovice | 76502 | |
Luxury Dry Cleaners Prague s.r.o. | Hradešínská 1829/44 | Praha | 6772421 | CZ06772421 |
MAGNIFIC, spol. s r.o. | Černokostelecká 82/92 | Říčany | 25722719 | CZ25722719 |
Marcela Moudřichová | Voskovcova 1032/16 | Praha | 69072698 | CZ6756251414 |
Martin Tojnar – Lima servis | Zátiší 25 | Litvínov | 44520719 | CZ6808011485 |
MFS s.r.o. | náměstí 17. listopadu 296 | Příbram | 45793271 | CZ45793271 |
Miluška Rozsívalová | Kopaniny 496/12 | Přerov | 76315355 | CZ5556191971 |
MÝVAL ZLÍN, spol. s.r.o. | Nábřeží 5261 | Zlín | 46967338 | CZ46967338 |
NES Mělník, s.r.o. | Vodárenská 1161 | Kralupy nad Vltavou | 47542187 | CZ47542187 |
Oblastní nemocnice Mladá Boleslav, a.s., nemocnice Středočeského kraje | třída Václava Klementa 147 | Mladá Boleslav | 27256456 | CZ27256456 |
OTS group s.r.o. | Novodvorská 1010/14 | Praha | 2338696 | CZ02338696 |
P-MM s.r.o. | Roháčova 297/34 | Praha | 28927877 | CZ28927877 |
Pavel Havlíček | Nedbalova 1614/2 | Říčany | 49499068 | CZ7010193597 |
PERFECT pure service, o.p.s. | Budovatelská 872/51 | Rohatec | 2119463 | CZ02119463 |
Pertec s.r.o. | Tovární 8 | Hrádek nad Nisou | 1586076 | CZ01586076 |
PM Laundry provozní s.r.o. | Jeřabinová 1320 | Jesenice | 6344585 | |
Prádelna a čistírna HB s.r.o. | Sázavská 1430 | Havlíčkův Brod | 44494424 | CZ5558141072 |
Prádelna a čistírna Jihlava, s.r.o. | Rantířovská 13 | Jihlava | 25513290 | CZ25513290 |
Prádelna Fišer s.r.o. | Molákova 576/11 | Praha | 26003686 | CZ26003686 |
Prádelna JARNÍ s.r.o. | Jarní 898/52 | Brno | 8063001 | CZ08063001 |
Prádelna Koudelka a syn s.r.o. | Třešňová 1349/2a | Liberec | 25431293 | CZ25431293 |
Prádelna Krakov s.r.o. | Lodžská 598/3 | Praha | 3126005 | |
Prádelna Kyselý, a.s. | Vlasákova 333 | Vlašim | 26723883 | CZ26723883 |
Prádelna Opočno spol. s.r.o. | V kopečku 169/14 | Hradec Králové | 14448467 | CZ14448467 |
Prádelna Šopík s.r.o. | Okružní 1308/49 | Rýmařov | 27786561 | CZ27786561 |
Prádelna Valašské Meziříčí a.s. | Hranická 814 | Valašské Meziříčí | 47675713 | CZ47675713 |
Prádelny a čistírny Náchod a.s. | Jugoslávská 20, Staré Město nad Metují | Náchod | 46504991 | CZ46504991 |
Prádelny Škodák, s.r.o. | Úprkova 1895 | Strážnice | 29288762 | CZ29288762 |
Praní a čištění, s.r.o. | Pohraniční stráže 166 | Velká Hleďsebe | 40525929 | CZ40525929 |
ProfiPRANÍ s.r.o. | Těšínská 2135 | Frýdek-Místek | 18031625 | |
Psychiatrická nemocnice Brno | Húskova 1123/2 | Brno | 160105 | CZ00160105 |
PT CZ s.r.o. | Vrchovecká 50/9 | Velké Meziříčí | 25547763 | CZ25547763 |
Renáta Filipová, chemická čistírna a prádelna Monte | Plynárenská 63 | Kolín | 74824937 | CZ7854065076 |
Rudolf Řehák | Rožmberská 204 | Praha | 41203844 | CZ5808210628 |
SaF – SERVIS, s.r.o. | sídl. Svobody 4400 | Prostějov | 25510762 | CZ25510762 |
SALESIANER MIETTEX CHEMUNG s.r.o. | Vodárenská 1161 | Kralupy nad Vltavou | 60489812 | CZ60489812 |
Samoobslužné prádelny s.r.o. | Slunná 779/42 | Ostrava | 6273122 | |
Smart Dry Cleaners, s.r.o. | Antala Staška 1589/34 | Praha | 9140433 | |
Squadra Azzurra spol. s r.o. | Na Jezerce 1016 | Praha | 28890809 | |
TRITON, spol. s r.o. | S. K. Neumanna 2229 | Rakovník | 45144613 | CZ45144613 |
V neckách s.r.o. | U rybníku 634 | Velká Dobrá | 6050751 | |
Valtice-servis s.r.o. | Klášterní 1150 | Valtice | 25320742 | CZ25320742 |
VÍT SPÁČIL – prádelny a čistírny, spol. s r.o. | Husovo náměstí 2127/10 | Prostějov | 49450166 | CZ49450166 |
We Hate Ironing s.r.o. | Petrohradská 390/46 | Praha | 7575696 | |
Žacléřská prádelna s.r.o. | Nádražní 578 | Žacléř | 7687419 | CZ07687419 |
List of special members
Společnost | Adresa | Město | IČO | DIČ |
Alliance Laundry CE s.r.o. | Místecká 116 | Příbor | 29451914 | CZ29451914 |
Alvla s.r.o. | K zahrádkám 2605/5 | Praha 5 | 28168739 | CZ28168739 |
Bexim Paletten | Smržická 871 | Kostelec na Hané | 25338331 | CZ25338331 |
CLEANING spol. s r.o. | Majerská cesta 96A | Banská Bystrica | 31571441 | SK2020458033 |
DataExpert s.r.o. | Jiráskovo náměstí 274/31 | Plzeň | 27965201 | CZ27965201 |
Dibella b.v. _ BETA Consult s.r.o. | Železničářů 248 | Liberec 19 | NL006460185B01 | |
Domus Laundry CZ s.r.o. | třída Hrdinů 595/35 | Rýmařov | 4221290 | CZ04221290 |
Ecolab s.r.o. | Voctářova 2449/5 | Praha 8 | 46995935 | CZ46995935 |
green M&J s. r. o. | Kopčianska 10 | Bratislava | 51807653 | SK2120797129 |
CHRISTEYNS s.r.o. | Vítovská 453/7 | Odry | 26797283 | CZ26797283 |
CHT Switzerland AG | Šafaříkova 678 | Ostrov | CHE-107.294.062 | |
KEMAS GmbH | Wüstenbrander Str. 9 | Oberlungwitz | HRB 3140 | DE 141169813 |
Kovoslužba OTS, a.s. | Tovačovského 92/2 | Praha 3 | 25103709 | CZ2513709 |
Lapauw CEE s.r.o. | Litvínovská 609/3 | Praha 9 | 24298794 | CZ24298794 |
Neumanna s.r.o. | Lhota za Červeným Kostelcem 415 | Červený Kostelec | 25988387 | CZ25988387 |
Petr Suchánek | Na Vrchách 103 | Dolní Lutyně | 87537460 | CZ6212141947 |
PRAGOPERUN, spol. s r. o. | Modletice 98 | Říčany | 41190360 | CZ41190360 |
Professional support s.r.o. | Voříškova 402/11 | Brno | 27709558 | CZ27709558 |
ŠTIKA – KONZULTACE s.r.o. | Lískovec 49 | Frýdek-Místek | 29387345 | |
Textilní zkušební ústav, s.p. | Cejl 12 | Brno | 13251 | CZ00013251 |
Zollner Objekttexil GmbH | Veldener Str. 4 | Vilsbiburg | 815721948 | DE815721948 |
Honorary members
Former longtime president of the Association of Laundries and Dry Cleaners. Chrištof's laundry was founded in Vyškov back in 1892 by his grandfather, and today it is run by the fourth generation of family members. He fought for his laundry room. As one of the few, it finally survived 40 years of communism and was finally returned to the owners' family in restitution. Today, the largest laundry company in our country, which has two modernized laundries in Brno and Štětí, is managed by his son.
Former long-time member of the board of the Association of Laundries and Dry Cleaners. He studied Chemical Technology and Textile Chemistry. He worked in the fermentation industry producing antibiotics and worked in the Regional Organization for the Development of Technology in Bánská Bystrica. He holds the position of an active member of the Commission for Industrial Laundries, where he deals with current issues in the sector of large-capacity operations. Since 2019, he has had his own column in the traditional magazine Informátor published for members of our association, in which he covers, for example, the topic of laundry and ecology, and in his other articles he mainly covers technological innovations in the field. From the 1970s to the present day, he has been working as a trainer in vocational education from textile materials to washing technologies to quality control. He is also involved in a project to develop an online educational platform for workers in laundries and dry cleaners, which is financed by the European Union.
Mr. Milan Poddaný significantly connected his professional career with the Ostrava company Renatex and with the activities of the Association of Laundries and Dry Cleaners. The former long-time member of the board is the main creator of the original and new Statutes of the Association. He is the chairman of the Commission for Industrial Laundries, which deals, for example, with the form of documents for certification and the methodology of awarding public contracts for laundry and laundry rental.