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APaC events in 2024

Welcome in the new year! Allow us to share with you the planned actions and events of 2024.

A complete overview of all events organized by our Association can be found HERE.

A detailed overview of educational events, including seminars and trainings of the Chamber of Commerce and the TZÚ, to which you can apply as our members at discounted prices, can be found HERE.

We would like to draw your attention to the following events in particular:

European laundries open day
This year, our Association will join the first year of the European Laundry Open Day, which was initiated by the European textile care association ETSA. In the week from March 11 to 15, the doors of participating laundries will therefore be opened to representatives of the media in order to introduce their work to the general public. If you are interested in joining these operations, register at by February 15 and we will include you in the upcoming PR activities. The offer also applies to dry cleaners.

TexTalk 03
TexTalk is a unique networking platform that connects experts across the textile industry. Information is exchanged here by representatives of laundries, dry cleaners, textile manufacturers, clothing brands and experienced and novice designers. We are holding TexTalk 03 on April 10, 2024 in Jihlava. Participation is free for one representative from a member company, capacity is limited. If you are interested, you can contact us at You can find more information at, a video from the last event can be seen HERE.

APaC Road Show
During the week when we commemorate Laundry Day (August 9), our Association will go to the operations of involved laundries and dry cleaners together with experts in exercise, nutrition and mental health to focus on their workers. Do you want us to come to you too? Write to us at by June 30. More information HERE or in the video that can be seen HERE.

The 27th annual traditional conference for experts from the textile maintenance sector will be hosted by the OREA Hotel Pyramida Prague on October 3, 2024. We are already working on the program of the event, the president of the Chamber of Commerce Zdeněk Zajíček has promised to participate. Current information and registration, which will be launched in the summer, can be found at The video from last year can be seen HERE.

Please do not hesitate to contact us if you have any questions.

We look forward to seeing you soon!

Czech Association for Textile Care