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Fashion show and expert debate. The theme of the third TexTalk was once again sustainability

For the third time, the Czech Association for Textile Care (APaC) organized an educational event called TexTalk. The purpose of this event is to offer experts from the field of textile industry and fashion care a platform for mutual discussion about the problems of the field. The meeting took place on April 10 in the premises of the Jihlava Laundry and Dry Cleaners. It also included a fashion show in which budding designers presented models made from discarded textiles.

The textile industry is one of the most significant environmental polluters on the planet. At the same time, it is a very complex area in which a number of different actors operate. The awareness event, called TexTalk, aims to provide a space for representatives from across the sector to discuss key industry issues, particularly in relation to textile sustainability.

At the third continuation of the event, which was again hosted by Prádelna a čísirna Jihlava on April 10, designers, manufacturing companies, clothing sellers and experts in textile care presented themselves. There was also a fashion show by budding designers of the Jihlava – Helenín Secondary School of Arts and Crafts. The organizer of TexTalks is the Czech Association for Textile Care (APaC), which is trying to draw attention to the field of textile care as a key player in the effort to achieve higher sustainability of laundry and clothing.

“Every TexTalk is completely different, there were different people, a different fashion show with different materials, we addressed other current topics, this time the carbon footprint of textiles or eco-labeling. These are things that, unfortunately or by God, will soon be of great concern to us and we have to deal with them somehow,” outlines Martina Prošková, director of the Jihlava laundry and dry cleaners, vice president of APaC.

“I was interested in the idea that clothes are sewn and then age in a low-quality way, because the clothes are often not designed to last us a long time,” says Antonie Fendrych, founder of SWAP Chotebor, which serves as a special bazaar for exchanging clothes with each other.

“I think that similar events should be held more often. In one place, not only designers but also manufacturers and other members of the entire chain discuss things here, which, from my point of view, is necessary for the field,” says Petra Ptáčková, fashion designer, who was included in the 30 under 30 list by the prestigious Forbes magazine.

A concrete example of the result of mutual dialogue is described by Jan Bartoš, Sales Manager of Dibella, a bed linen supplier. “As part of our production, we are left with a large amount of textile cuts and off-cuts. I learned that some fashion designers can effectively use them in their work, which we will be very happy to collaborate on,” he concludes.

APaC plans to hold another TexTalk meeting, the fourth in a row, in the spring of next year.

You can view the photo gallery and video from the event HERE.

The report of TV Nova, which filmed the event, can be found HERE.

More information at

Czech Association for Textile Care